вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Vanhemmat tuli torstaina takas adelaideen ja haki mut koulusta niiden sopolla punasella vuokra-autolla. Lahettiin aidin kans illal ettii formal dressia norwoodista kun kelasin et siel ois late night shoppng mut ehei. Kaupat oli kiinni. Ajettiin sit himaan west lakesin ja henleyn kautta ja kaytiin beachil kavelee.

perjantaina vein vanhemmat kouluun haha kuin sopoo. Ne tais tykata ja olin erittain uncomfortable kun mun opettajat kehu mua niille. Kierrettiin ympariinsa rebeccan ja vanhempien kans mut kaikki tarkeimmat ihmiset jai nakematta danny ei ollu koulussa eika daniellakaan ja rachelin piti lahtee.�lahettiin ruokavalkal lunchille rebeccan ja sen aidin kans ja kaytiin kans niil himas, tais olla aika kokemus meian mutsille hahaha.
bombay bicycle clubin, hyvan mut chilisen lounaan ja yhen junioribasketballmatsin jalkeen otettiin melody messiin ja lahettiin king william roadille hyde parkiin kun kelasin et siel ois late night shopping mut ehei -- kaupat oli taas kiinni. Ois jotenki muka pitany tietaa et muiden suburbien lisaks hyde parkis on late night shopping torstaisin mut sit norwoodissa keskustan tapaan perjantaisin?? as if bro. Kirosin siin sit onneani mut lahettiin keskustaan ja kaytiin hyval illallisel rundle streetilla kaikki yhessa.

lauantai meni barossassa helteessa viineja maistellen ja tunsin itteni tosi aussiks. Lame but true.
illalla heitin paalle mekon jota en oo kayttany yli vuoteen mut ah rakastanki sita. Rachel haki mut himasta ja heitettiin auto sarahin kadulle ja mentiin konradille bws:n kautta.. Helmi ilta vaik oliki niin scum ku voi olla. Yks randomjatka puhu heidin kans ja tulin siihen ja se sno et "are you from germany?" ja koko loppuillan se tuli mun luo ja kerto kaikille et "i KNEW she was european, look at her" ja koski mun naamaa ja vaik mita? haha danny oli off his head ja istu amandan auton paalla, chelsea itki taas vaihteeks koska jimmy oli ilkee sille, katan kaveri queenslandista heitti pullon kadulle ja joku naapuri tuli aukoo sille, istuttiin takapihalla ku whereapos;s konrad esiinty ja se randomjatka laulo. Aika legendaarinen ilta kaikessa yksinkertasuudessaan.�
aiti ja melody tuli hakee, kerranki adelaides mul oli kyyti kotiin hahha. Vietiin bec kans.

sunnuntaiaamu oli paras vahaan tai no pitkaan aikaan. Herattiin semiaikasin ja pyyhallettiin evidaan aamiaiselle. Pancakes with strawberries maistu mut terassil oli liiiian kylma. Lahettiin sit formal shopping king william roadille ja finally kaupat oli auki ja ahhhh kaiken sovittamisen ja muun rasittavuuden jalkeen loysin maailman taydellisimman mekon muse boutiquesta ja taten myos paatin etten osallistu vanhoihin ahhhhh vapaus. Marraskuun viidennen jalkeen ei pukuja eika meikkiaikoja tai kampaajia tai muuta. Voin vaan nauttii aussiformalista joka tulee olee rennompi. Ja oon tal hetkel erittain innoissani, ostin kans kengat joita metsastettiinki taydellisimman lounaan jalkeen vaik mista.

eilen sit kavin sanomas byebye vanhemmille lentokentalla. Oli yllattavan jees oikeestaan, ehka siks et vihdoinki alan jo kasittaa et naan ne alyttoman pian.
oli kyl helmi olla niiden kans, jotenki helpompaa ku koskaan ennen ja australia on kyl tehny mulle jotain ihan ihmeellista. Tas 9 viime kuukauden aikana mul on ollu ehka kaks huonoo paivaa eika nytkaan tarvinnu riidella vanhempien kans.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Enlistment duty last Thursday at the jetty was quite an interesting experience. It was a pointless task really; anyone would have been able to figure out where to go easily without help. I guess my job was more of to be hospitable and give the visitors a sense of being cared for by the organisation.

Directing traffic onto and off the ferries for the entire afternoon would have been extremely dull, if not for the many reactions I elicited from the people who passed me. It felt nice, when after making eye contact with them, many parents and family members reciprocated, smiled, nodded or thanked me. Some stopped to make small talk, a few saluted extravagantly, another congratulated me on a job well done and two cute old ladies waved and said bye bye. A number of parents looked at me with a proud and surprised expression that read wow my son is going to turn out as polite and as disciplined as that.

Not everyone was amicable though, some glared at me with mistrust, suspicion and even hatred; many more simply avoided looking at me. The girlfriends were the rudest, virtually every single one of them pretended I didnapos;t exist, and the most I received was one or two curt nods or thank yous. But the new enlistees, surprisingly, looked at me rather neutrally. Most of them were very quiet and none spoke with me.

I saw many many red tear-streaked faces as the people left the island, mostly on the women, but on one man as well.
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After science, we ate. Vegetarian today and
watched Whose Line in 2024 :]

Gems at T1A and todayapos;s first gems was great.
drama teacher LOL.

stars next and it was fun although my mind was on one thing. Really. My mind was thinking about TJ the whole way.

Made a trip to band room and played double bass. I MISS�CELLO . Double bass is tough. Needs lots of left hand strength to hold down the notes and right hand really needs to hold the bow properly. Hand kinda of cramped after 5 mins of bowing.

Bought my science textbook and made it just in time for store closing. Really on the dot =P

Iapos;m still doing my assignment.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Of ik regelmatig de gelegenheid krijg om te loggen weet ik niet, maar wel weet ik dat ik een nieuwe badkamer krijg, want de oude is echt op.
We leven nu al een maand met een gat in het plafond in de huiskamer naar de badkamer toe, waar het nog steeds af en toe lekt, die we opvangen met een emmer en een badkamer waar een gat is in de vloer. We hebben in het cement een lekke afvoer ontdekt en dat is ook de reden waarom het alles nat werd.

Zoals jullie zien was onze badkamer minstens 25 jaar oud en het groene is nu geen mode meer. We hebben er een uitgekozen die ons wel aanstaat en ik weet zeker dat die heel erg mooi wordt.
Ik ga meehelpen in deze verbouwing dus weet ik niet wanneer ik tijd heb.

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What really gets me is the way John looks like heapos;s going /cry/, but heapos;s obviously trying /so hard/ to hold himself together for Rodney. Because he wants Rodney to know that heapos;s /happy/ for him. Awwwww.

Luckily, Rodney and his girlfriend spend the rest of the episode trapped together in a small room, and the shocking revelation that Rodney is neurotic and deranged and, you know, /Rodney/ leads her to dump him quite quickly after.

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....Heapos;s never around....

...iapos;ve lost him...

...im never understood....

...bickering tends to be the only constant thing....

i honestly dont think that there is anything to say at this point.� i try to keep a clear head about stuff and an open mind but honestly, things arent going to change.� maybe because he is the way he is... Maybe because i expected too much... I dont really know.� What i do know is the person he was before isnt the person he is now and honestly, i cant find the one i knew before.� Where did my bestest go? sigh.... I only wanted the best but i dont think it matters anymore. I dont think he really cares at this point.....

and so... I sit and wait .. And look into the sky... Waiting for the pieces to crash down around me...
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Today, my friend Arnau in Spain sent me music for a mini-CD�Iapos;m going to put out by him called "Per Sempre". Itapos;s cool stuff, super intense chugging sound, weird. I started to design the cover with his drawings but I�need hi-res versions to make sure it doesnapos;t print out all choppy.

Iapos;m really not keeping up with comics quantity. I finished screenprinting and binding the initial 17 I just made, shipping 15 out to the Secret Acres Emporium tomorrow, then Austin writes me and says he wants 15 for the Forbidden Planet store. I didnapos;t even sign the agreement with Tony to distribute it yet I really have to get my rear in gear...

Sorry for always writing about the same stuff every day.

I�half-watched a bunch of music videos by Liars today, a band that Iapos;ve always been trying to "get". I�say half-watched because I skipped through most of them because the music is so damn boring. Seriously, I feel like every song is just about to get interesting, but then it turns out to just be the same thing the whole way through. I donapos;t understand the appeal.

Iapos;ve been thinking about King Crimson a lot too, after watching that "Larksapos; Tongues in Aspic" video again, I looked up the percussionist, Jamie Muir, turns out he was a renowned improvisationist at the time but left the band to be a Buddhist monk, and now he just paints all the time. A quote from the interview:

"Fripp was definitely the boss, thereapos;s no question about it. And that was fine, he seemed to me to be a very good band leader. I think I was a wee bit too much for him, simply because I was so involved in improvisation. He was very much concerned with logic and function, he always worked his solos out before playing them. He had very fastidious and tight sort of habits....We were interested in group potential and creating monstrous power in music. Where I started playing drums on the album should have been a lot wilder - sheets of tin rattling and ripping, piles of crockery breaking, those sorts of sounds. One or two things that Robert would have found just too much. For a person like him it was a very admirable creative decision to actually work with somebody like me."

Maybe thatapos;s why they started to suck so much afterward. Iapos;m really not sold on "In the Court of the Crimson King", I�think that shitapos;s too goofy and everything after that is just downright embarrassing. Itapos;s a shame because it seems like the only time that something that groundbreaking and strange was given such direct attention from the general populace. Maybe Iapos;m wrong, this is from about 15 minutes worth of internet research, so it isnapos;t worth a whole lot, just judging a book by itapos;s cover, I suppose.

Oh yeah, Iapos;m think Iapos;m going to make a cassingle of "remix" songs I made. It depends on how many I can scrounge up to tape over. Also, it depends on me finishing the songs.

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Ok well just thinking about what is going on and can not believe I was so loyal to you all these years.. I�really canapos;t believe that you just used me so long. The saddest thing is you havenapos;t even tried to contact me at all, I do not understand how you can do all this, There is so much I would love to say right now but it is not worth it at all.� You just dont care, you are so good as playing peoples feelings, you lost more than I did.

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